21 June 2011

Day 30 ~ Feels Like Summer

Yesterday I ventured out with Thomas and Garrett to Alligator Creek for some fun in the sun!  We met up with Heather and Chloe, friends from KC that used to live on our court.  The weather was perfect, not too hot and the water splashes from Garrett were refreshing!

Garrett was a little bit nervous about getting in the water alone.  He's so used to constant companionship!

But then a Justin Bieber song came on, he started dancing, and all was better!

Thomas and Chloe were great at entertaining Garrett.  He loved the lazy river.  And Thomas even jumped off the diving board into 12 ft water.  He was a little bit nervous, but he did awesome.  I really think he wanted to impress Chloe!

We finished up with a trip to Snobiz for some awesome snoballs.  They aren't on every corner like they seem to be back home in NOLA; they are few and far between here.  These were our first snoballs of the season.. Delicious!

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